The United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy released a new Surgeon General’s Advisory on Alcohol and Cancer Risk on January 3, 2025 outlining the direct link between alcohol consumption and increased cancer risk. The Advisory concludes that alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of cancer in the United States, after tobacco and obesity, increasing risk for at least seven types of cancer. While scientific evidence for this connection has been growing over the past four decades, less than half of Americans recognize it as a risk factor for cancer. This Advisory report stands to change that.[i]

The debate about alcohol’s effects on human health have been ongoing – the personal choice to consume or to not consume is often informed by anecdotal evidence that circulates at dinner parties, e.g, “A glass of red wine is good for you.”When I feel a cold coming, I have a glass of whiskey.”

But there have also been frequent studies on Omega-3 fatty acids and the potential related health benefits that fatty acids may have that may be related to alcohol consumption and iots effects, including:

  • Preventing chronic alcohol consumption: Omega-3 supplements may help reduce the number of days a person drinks, and may help with cravings and compulsion.[ii]
  • Protecting against alcohol related neurodamage: Omega-3 fish oil may help protect against brain damage caused by alcohol, and may reduce the risk of dementia.[iii]
  • Improving mood: Omega-3 fatty acids may help with bipolar disorder and may have similar effects to psychiatric drugs on the brain.[iv]
  • Improving fetal development: During pregnancy, omega-3 intake may help improve the brain and body weight of newborns exposed to alcohol.[v]

Whether you drink alcohol or not, you should expect for many people to share their views on this topic over the next few months…and whatever you choose, just know that you may benefit from omega-3 fatty acid supplementation if you choose to imbibe.




